Spas in Ireland

Foods Guaranteed to Boost your Mood

By , April 16, 2013

  • Oranges and Papaya is high in vitamin B6 and folic acid. The tangy taste of these fruits will also help wake up your senses to make you feel happy.
  • Fish is famously high essential fatty acids that are essential for brain and cardiovascular health. Wild Salmon and Mackerel are both high in Omega 3s. Perfect for ‘the thinking women’s’ lunch.’
  • Chocolate and caffeine give you an instant boost of energy. Try not to over indulge, (too much of anything is usually bad for you), try just enough to release serotonin boosting chemicals, it will give you an instant pick-me-up and taste delicious.
  • Porridge is full of energy that will be released slowly throughout your day and is one of the few ‘good’ carbohydrates to start your day with.  Add some natural yogurt and chopped banana for an extra boost of energy that will last till lunch time.

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