Spas in Ireland

5 Tips to Make your Manicure Last Longer this Winter

By , January 8, 2019

Just like our skin our nails feel the full effects of the harsh winter, drying, cracking and peeling. Below are 5 handy tips to keep your digits in tip top condition.

1. Cuticle Care

Keep the skin hydrated around your nail bed. Use a cuticle oil daily. If you are out and about, apply some of your favourite lip balm. This will work a treat at preventing them pesky and painful quicks.

2. Moisturise

You should up your moisturising game throughout the winter months. It’s recommended that you moisturise several times a day. Apply first thing in the morning when leaving the house and 3 to 4 times throughout the day. Use a heavy-duty hand cream treatment at night.

3. Naked Nails

Naked nails should be avoided at all costs. Applying a strengthening base and top coat will act as a barrier and will prevent water from entering and weakening the nails.
Apply a fresh top coat every few days to revive your manicure and help prevent chipping.

4. Use a Crystal Nail File

It is important to keep your nails in tip top condition to prevent snagging and catching on gloves and woolly jumpers. The crystal nail file is a game changer. Unlike regular nail files, the crystal file allows you to file in every direction, achieving a smoother finish whilst preventing splitting.

5. Wear Gloves

Not only will gloves keep you warm when out and about, they will also prevent your nails from drying out and cracking from cold drying air. If you apply moisturiser while wearing gloves it will act as a hydrating treatment.

Top tip: When doing house work wear rubber gloves. This will not only protect your manicure but also prevent it from chipping.

Jean Dully

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